About the Museum


Museum of Military Technology „Gryf” was founded in April 2013 by Marian Kotecki. We collect exhibits related to military technology, with particular emphasis on equipment from World War II.

Our main idea is dynamic presentation of the exhibits. We want to prove that the museum is not dusty cabinets and rooms with polished hardwood floors, but first and foremost lesson of live, interactive story that you can touch, feel and experience. Our vehicles are fully technically working – taking share in the productions of the historical battle of outdoor performances and educational events, as well as in the realization of documentaries and feature films. We also work with a passion for history and reconstructive groups, which historically uniformed members make up the crew of our vehicles.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rich collection of exhibits in the Museum of Military Technology „Gryf” facilities, which is available to the public in Dąbrówka, ppłk. R. Lubowiedzkiego 2 street near Luzino. The exhibition has been conceived in such a way as to ensure an exciting and useful entertainment for the whole family, a visit to our museum will surely be an unforgettable experience. An added attraction is the opportunity to visit the Sappers Museum „Explosive,” which has a rich exposure of engineers equipment, various types of ammunition, bombs or mines.

Our activities are governed by the Act on Museums, the Law on organizing and conducting cultural activities and own statutes. Museum is a subject to the Minister of Culture and National Heritage